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School Improvement Plan

What is a School Improvement Plan?

A School Improvement Plan (SIP) is a strategic blueprint that schools use to enhance student learning and improve educational practices. It outlines specific goals for improvement, actions to achieve those goals, and methods for measuring progress.

Key Points of a SIP:

  • Goals: Clear objectives the school aims to achieve to enhance student outcomes.
  • Actions: Steps and strategies the school will implement to reach its goals, based on research and effective practices.
  • Monitoring: Regular review of progress with adjustments made to ensure the school stays on track toward its improvement objectives.

The purpose of a SIP is to provide a clear roadmap for schools to improve educational outcomes for all students, particularly focusing on eliminating disparities and ensuring equitable opportunities for every student.

Every school in Washington State is required to have a School Improvement Plan.

Monitoring and Adjusting:

A SIP is not set in stone. It's reviewed regularly, with progress monitored against the set goals and activities adjusted as needed to stay on track toward improvement.

Visit the Issaquah School District SIP website to learn more about SIPs.

District - School Improvement Plans


front of PLMS

Achievement Goals

By the spring of 2024:

  1. Student achievement for all students in English Language Arts (ELA) will increase from 79.4% meeting standard to 85% meeting standard as measured by the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA).

  2. The gap in student achievement for students in subgroups Black/African American, Hispanic/Latinx, and Students with Disabilities in English Language Arts (ELA) will decrease by 6% as measured by the SBA. Specifically, for Black/African American the gap will decrease from 43 % to 37%, for Hispanic/Latinx from 20.1 % to 14.1% and for Students with Disabilities from 49.4 % to 43.4 %.


Guiding Questions

Reflecting on previous action plans

Backed by Data

Schools use multiple data sources to inform their planning. Progress toward school improvement in overall achievement and disproportionality is monitored using state and district measures using a common School Improvement Data Dashboard.

Data Workbook for Middle School

School-Based Action Plan

Action Implementation Impact: Evidence/Monitoring
Staffing directed to reading intervention and support
  • Master schedule building process uses data protocol in identification of students enrolled in Tier2/Tier 3 reading/math intervention classes.

  • Review course enrollment/demographic breakdown with equity lens.

  • Paraprofessional staffing directed to support Tier 3 reading intervention in classrooms.

  • Identify student data standard for determination of support class sections and enrollment.

  • Decrease underrepresentation of student groups in accelerated/support classes. Identify patterns representing disproportionality in data review and plan actions to reduce it.

  • Tier 3 support directed to students farthest from grade level reading proficiency.

Pine Lake Staff Professional Development/Collaboration- Literacy focus and MTSS systems
  • Literacy PD/Collaboration focus:

    • HLP-Building and Priming Background Knowledge and Academic Vocabulary-

    • HLP-Effective Performance Feedback

  • MTSS PD/Collaboration systems:

    • Building classroom supports for behavior and academics related to Tier 1 and Tier 2 implementation of practices.

    • Staff problem of practice PD group focused on classroom literacy interventions

    • i-Ready training for all staff (data and tools)

  • Increase in PL 6-8 Vocabulary scores on i-Ready from fall to final diagnostic

  • Increase in staff use of Canvas tools supporting this HLP (High Leverage Practices) will increase student engagement and learning progress. Commitments to common building practice.

  • Observed review and clarification of classroom and school expectations to school community.

  • Increase access to reading intervention in the general education classroom setting. Building leadership capacity in literacy support.

  • Increase in access to reading supports in the general education classroom setting

  • Promote community awareness of i-Ready. Focused communication plan for T2 and T3.

  • Build structures and schedules to support effective implementation and access for students.

  • Establish data review cycle in MTSS meetings for monitoring.

  • Connect with Tier 2/Tier 3 level families to engage in awareness-building and family support.

  • All students have access to diagnostic assessments.

  • Commitment to building-wide practice- Plan to support consistent i-Ready access and use by students performing below grade level resulting in progress towards i-Ready goals.

  • Increase in staff awareness of student performance on i-Ready diagnostics.


SIP Team & Final Review

  • Principal: Michelle Caponigro
  • Site Council/PTSA Review Date: PTSA- February, 2023
  • Supervisor Review: Sherrie Kokx
  • School Board Review Date: March 1, 2023
  • Leadership Team:
  • Assistant Principal- Mike Deletis

  • Guidance Team Leader- Kristen Brittain

  • Special Education Team Leader- Colleen Maher

  • Electives Team Leader- Cindy Elder

  • 6th grade Team Leader- Stephanie Bullard

  • 7th grade Team Leader- Nicole Ray

  • 8th grade Team Leader- Jeff Burgard

  • Building Equity Leader- Kristina Klein

  • Advisory Team Leader- Susan Sansing

  • ASB (Associated Student Body) Representative-Eric Ensey/Josh Berg
