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Technology Support

Through the support of our local capital/technology levy, ISD schools are equipped with the hardware and software necessary to provide equitable and safe digital resources for students. All students attending ISD middle and high schools will check out a laptop for the school year to use at school and at home.

Laptop Distribution: Student Procedures and Important Information

**When you change your password from the Student ID during the required reset, your new password will be linked to your ClassLink and Microsoft Office 365 account.

School Computer Login

Username: *ISD Username
Password: 7-digit Student ID number
 (ex. 1234567)


Username: *ISD Username
Password: 7-digit Student ID number
  (ex. 1234567)

Microsoft Office 365

(Be patient for 365 to sync to the network.)

Username: *ISD
Password: 7-digit Student ID number
  (ex. 1234567)


(If you had a Canvas Account last year, your old password may still work.)

Username: *ISD Username
Password: 7-digit Student ID number+ISD
 (ex. 1234567ISD)

(Password reset: see Librarian)

Skyward (Student Access)

Username: *ISD Username
Password: 7-digit Student ID number + “ISD”
  (ex. 1234567ISD)

** These are network passwords: If student changes their school computer password, it will change their Microsoft 365 and ClassLink password – and vice versa. Students needing to reset this network password need to see the Building Tech Specialists.

*ISD Username: 4 letters of last name, 3 of first name, 2-digit high school graduation year

Example for Ellen Ripley, class of 2028: RiplEll28

Example if first or last name is shorter than the requirements: Bruce Lee, class of 2028: LeeBru28

Student Help: Available in the library tech help office

Secondary Digital Tools       Canvas Support Materials