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Student Handbook

Our Mission: The Pine Lake Middle School community is guided by our school beliefs of Community, Respect, Excellence, Discovery, and Integrity and we work together to enjoy the best opportunities for learning.


On behalf of the Pine Lake Middle School staff, we would like to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year! Our goal is to provide a safe and caring environment, where ALL students experience a positive learning environment. We strongly encourage you to pursue excellence in your academic studies, become actively engaged in the co-curricular programs that our school has to offer, and treat everyone at Pine Lake Middle School with respect and kindness. This handbook includes our policies, procedures, and important information. Please refer to the handbook when questions arise. You may also refer to our school website for updated contact information for staff, teacher websites, event dates, and more.

Handbook Sections

General Information

Review general handbook information for the school year, including items such as attendance and dress code.

Student removes liquid from beaker


Expectations for academic comprehension during the school year.

Student Conduct

Behavioral expectations for all students during the school year.

Health and Student Information

Health & Student Information

Information regarding the counseling center, nurse's office, health procedures and release of student information.

Handbook extracurricular activities

Extracurricular Activities, Sports and Clubs

Conduct expectations for extracurricular activities, sports and clubs for the school year.

Presenters talk about a club at the club fair. They have a sign with a lorax graphic that says %22You can make a difference%22

PLMS Supplemental Guidelines

Additional guidelines set forth on the Pine Lake Middle School campus to supplement district regulations.

Important Information

PLMS Main Number   425-837-5700
PLMS Fax Number   425-837-5762
Principal Michelle Caponigro 425-837-5707
Assistant Principal Mike Deletis 425-837-5703
Assistant to Principal Nancy Brooks 425-837-5777
Attendance Gayathri Devalapalle 425-837-5701
Registrar Karen Hoetzel 425-837-5710
Bookkeeper/Athletics Debi Rapoza 425-837-5706
Office Support Ritika Tannan 425-837-5776
Nurse Erin Hayes 425-837-5708
Health Room Specialist Anu Duggirala 425-837-5786
Transportation   425-837-5900
Counselor (last names A-L) Kristen Brittain 425-837-5713
Counselor (last names M-Z) Young Chang-Miller 425-837-5712
School Psychologist   425-837-5711
Mental Health Counselor Rosie Bancroft 425-837-5749