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Additional handbook guidelines specific to PLMS, created to supplement district regulations, can be found on the PLMS Supplemental Guidelines handbook page.

Directory Information

Directory Information

The District may disclose information regarding students that the District has designated as “directory information.”  Directory information is defined as the student's name, photograph, dates of attendance, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, diplomas and awards received, and the most recent previously attended school. 

The residential addresses of participants in the state Address Confidentiality Program will not be available for release as directory information. Social Security numbers, student identification numbers (with authentication factors such as a secret password or personal identification number) or other personally identifiable information are also not considered directory information. 

Directory information may be used for purposes such as school related fund-raising, publication of a student directory, parent/guardian/caretaker organization mailing lists, school yearbooks and newspapers, commencement programs and publication of honor rolls, and other school information about students in District publications or public media. Information will not be released for commercial purposes. 

Parent/guardian/caretakers have the right to refuse to allow the District to designate any or all of the above types of information designated as directory information for their child. To do so, parent/guardian/caretakers must submit a written request to their child’s school by September 15 that identifies the type(s) of information the parent/guardian/caretaker does not want designated as directory information for their child. If the school does not receive a written request by that date, school staff will assume that there is no objection to the information being designed as directory information for their child. Additional information regarding student records may be found in Regulation 3231 and Procedure 3231P.

Extended Illness or Chronic Health Condition

Extended Illness or Chronic Health Condition

If a student is confined to home or hospital for an extended period, the family and school counselor should work together to arrange for the accomplishment of assignments at the place of confinement, whenever practical. If the student is unable to do their schoolwork, or if there are major requirements of a particular course that cannot be accomplished outside of class, the student may be required to take an incomplete or withdraw from the class without penalty and/or make up the course at another time. These plans should be arranged with the family, school counselor and administrator.  The school team should convene on behalf of a student with an extended illness or chronic health condition that is impacting school attendance and consider any input and recommendations of the student’s medical provider.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act affords parent/guardian/caretakers and students over 18 years of age certain rights with respect to the student’s education records, which are:

  • The right to inspect and review the student’s educational records within 45 days of the day the District receives a request. Parent/guardian/caretakers or eligible students should submit to the records custodian identifying the record(s) they wish to inspect. The principal will arrange access and notify the parent/guardian/caretaker or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. 
  • The right to request an amendment of the student’s education records that the parent/guardian/caretaker or eligible student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s rights of privacy. Parent/guardian/caretakers or eligible students may submit a written request to the principal, identifying the part of the education record(s) they wish to have amended, and the reasons why they believe the record is inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s rights of privacy. If the District decides not to amend the record as requested, the parent/guardian/caretaker or eligible student will be notified of the decision, of the right to a hearing under 34 C.F.R. § 99.21 and of the hearing procedures to be followed.
  • The right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

Students and parent/guardian/caretakers have the right to file a complaint about an alleged failure by the District to comply with the requirements of FERPA by contacting the U.S. Department of Education at the following address: 

Family Regulation Compliance Office
U.S. Dept. of Education
400 Maryland Ave. S.W.
Washington, D.C.  20202-4605

Medication Administration at School

Medication Administration at School

Washington State Law and Issaquah School District Policy require that schools have written authorization from a licensed healthcare provider and parent/guardian/caretaker on file yearly when a child needs to take medication during the school day. Students can carry medication and self-administer at the high school level when the health care provider and parent/guardian/caretaker have requested self-administration in writing and the request has been approved by the school nurse. High school students may be allowed to carry and self-administer over-the-counter medication when authorized by the parent/guardian/caretaker and school nurse. All medication must be in the original pharmacy labeled container. Students who carry and self-administer medication must carry only one daily dose in an original pharmacy container. Please note students are not allowed to carry opioid reversal medications such as Narcan (naloxone) at any time on school grounds or at school events.

The Authorization for Administration of Medication at High School form is available in the attendance office, nurse’s office, and on the Issaquah School District website.

Additional information and requirements related to the administration of medication at school may be found in District Regulations and Procedures 3416 and 3416P (Medication at School), 3417 and 3417P (Catheterization), 3419 and 3419P (Self-Administration of Asthma and Anaphylaxis Medications), 3424 and 3424P (Opioid Related Overdose Reversal), and 3420 and 3420P (Anaphylaxis).

Release of Student Information

Release of Student Information

The District cannot disclose personally identifiable student information or education records without the written consent of a parent/guardian/caretaker, with the following exceptions: 

The District may disclose student information and education records without parent/guardian/caretaker consent to school officials with legitimate educational interests. The term “school officials” includes District administrators, supervisors, teachers, counselors, information systems specialists, support or clerical staff members, school board members, or school resource officers. It may also include certain contractors, consultants, service providers, or volunteers, including attorneys, auditors, medical consultants, service providers, or therapists. A school official has a legitimate education interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill their professional responsibility;

The District may disclose education records to another school, school system, or institution of postsecondary education where the student seeks or intends to enroll, or where the student has already enrolled, if the disclosure is related to the student’s enrollment or transfer;

The District may disclose student information or records to certain organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, the District;

The District may release student information or records to comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;

The District may disclose student information or records in connection with a health or safety emergency, as defined by FERPA;

The District may disclose directory information; and

The District may release student information and education records as otherwise permitted or required by law.

Students with Special Health Care Needs

Students with Special Health Care Needs

Students with life-threatening conditions such as severe bee sting allergies, severe food allergies, severe asthma, diabetes, seizures, etc., are required to have a medication or treatment order and nursing care plan in place before they start school each year. If a medication or treatment order is not provided, the chief administrator of the school is required to exclude the child until such order has been provided. This requirement applies to students with a life-threatening condition who are new to the district and students who are already attending the school. Contact your school nurse to discuss your child’s healthcare needs at school.

For additional information and requirements related to life-threatening health conditions, please see Regulation 3413 and Procedure 3413P.

Washington’s Parent Bill of Rights

Washington’s new Parent Bill of Rights, RCW 28A.605, provides the right to parents and legal guardians to inspect their child’s public school records in accordance with RCW 28A.605.030, and to receive a copy of their child’s records within ten (10) business days of submitting a written request, either electronically or on paper.