PLMS Supplemental Guidelines
Filter Handbook Sections
- All
- Annual Fees and Expenses
- Athletics Programs
- Attendance Guidelines/Protocols/Expectations
- Bus Guidelines
- Class Fees
- Closed Campus and Visitors
- Counseling
- Discipline Guidelines/Protocol/Expectations
- Emergency Procedures
- Expectations for Student Dress
- Grading Systems
- Health Information
- Lockers
- Lunchroom Information
- PE – Uniforms and Lockers
- PLMS Expectations
- Requirements for Promotion
- School Information
- Student Recognition
- Technology
- Textbooks and Laptops
Annual Fees and Expenses
Fees may be paid online via the Pay Online portal or with cash, a check or a debit/credit card to the Bookkeeper in the PLMS Office. Please keep all your receipts as proof of purchase. Make all checks payable to “Pine Lake Middle School” for the exact amount. Examples of common fees and expenses are listed below:
- ASB Membership Fee – $35
- Yearbook – $30
- PE T-shirt – $10
- PE Shorts – $10
- Student Planner – $6
- Duplicate/Replacement ASB Cards – $5
ASB membership fees provide funding for:
- Student activities
- Uniforms
- Socials
- Sports transportation
- Clubs
- Equipment
- After-school sports
- Awards
- Coaches and club advisors
- Assemblies
- Officials’ fees
- Music Events
Athletics Programs
First Season
- Girls Volleyball
- Cross Country
- Softball
Second Season
- Wrestling
- Girls Basketball
Third Season
- Boys Basketball
- Girls Soccer
Fourth Season
- Track
Eligibility Requirements
- Payment of ASB membership fee
- Physical uploaded to Final Forms
- Online Sports Registration at Final Forms
- Parent and Student Acknowledgements at Final Forms
- Payment of Sports fee for each Sport (For Volleyball, Basketball, and Soccer - wait to pay the fee until your athlete has been assigned a team)
- Valid ISD Physical Evaluation. Physicals are valid for two years and may not expire during the season of participation. Students entering the 6th grade must have a physical dated on or after January 1st of the year they will start 6th grade.
- More information and the registration link can be found on the Athletics webpage.
- The Sports Fee ranges from $20 to $50 per season, depending on the frequency of practices and games/meets. Information about available scholarships may be obtained from one of our school counselors.
- To be eligible to participate in sport activities, a student must have a GPA of at least 2.0 and no failing grades. In addition, a student must attend at least three classes (1/2 day) to participate in an after- school sport event on the same day they are absent from school. (Exceptions are absences for medical or dental appointments and certain emergency absences when approved by the administration).
Attendance Guidelines/Protocols/Expectations
Student interaction and participation in class activities are critical aspects of school success. Absences negatively impact student learning.
Attendance Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of students to
- Attend all classes promptly and regularly.
- Bring a note and sign in with the Attendance Secretary for all late arrivals and early dismissals.
- If possible, please schedule appointments outside the school day.
- Make arrangements with each teacher for make-up work upon return to school.
- Obtain a “Pre-Approved Absence Request Form” for planned absences of 3 or more days (see below).
It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to
- Emphasize to students that school attendance is a priority.
- Call 425-837-5701 or email before 7:30 a.m. each day that your student is absent. Please include the student’s name and the reason for the absence.
Early Dismissal/Late Arrivals
- If possible, please schedule appointments outside the school day.
- For early dismissals, please email as soon as possible or send a note in with your student with their name, time needing to leave, and the reason for leaving early. Direct your student to come to the attendance office in the morning to pick-up an early release pass.
An authorized adult must sign the student out in the office before leaving. The adult maybe asked to show ID and will need to be listed as an emergency contact. If returning the same day, the student must sign in with the office and will be given a pass to return to class. - For late arrivals, please email or call the attendance office or send your student with a parent/guardian note, before reporting to class.
Pre-Arranged Absences
- When possible, please try to arrange vacations to coincide with scheduled school breaks.
- If the absence is for 3 or more days, students should pick up (from the office) a “Pre- Approved Absence Request Form” to circulate to all the teachers for their input and This form also needs to be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to the Attendance Office before the absence. The form is available online on the PLMS website as well.
Excused Absences
- Issaquah School District recognizes the following reasons for excused absences: illness, medical/dental appointments, religious observances, family emergencies, family trips and disciplinary actions as required by law.
- Absences for school-related activities and field trips are also excused.
Make-up Work Guidelines/Protocol/Expectations for Excused and Pre-Arranged Absences
- It is the student’s responsibility to arrange for make-up work with each teacher prior to a pre-arranged absence and upon returning to school after an absence. Students can review Canvas for modules, assignments, and to communicate with teachers.
- Students are given one day to make up missed work for each day of an excused absence unless other arrangements have been made.
Any student withdrawing from school must report to the Registrar’s office and obtain a “Withdrawal Form.” This must be signed by a parent/guardian, circulated to the appropriate persons and returned to the Registrar. No records will be cleared or sent to another school until this has been completed.
Absence Penalties
- Private Dining is a system in place at PLMS to encourage prompt arrival at school. Students with an unexcused tardy to any class may be assigned Private Dining. All students are given one free pass per trimester to get out of Private Dining.
- Each unexcused absence will be followed-up with a telephone call or email to parents/guardians.
- If a student has five or more days of unexcused absences in a month, a letter of truancy will be sent home.
- Excessive excused absences will be addressed by the Assistant Principal.
Bus Guidelines
Students living in areas served by district buses are eligible to ride their assigned school buses to and from school. While waiting for the bus to arrive, please line up in an orderly fashion next to the curb and wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before loading. All school rules apply for students at their bus stops and on their buses. The bus driver is in charge and will be given all the rights and respect of a classroom teacher. School administration will address behavior issues on a school bus as if they happened on campus.
On a space-available basis, temporary bus passes may be issued to students wishing to ride a different bus than what is normally assigned to them. An original hand-written note or email signed by a parent/guardian is required for a bus pass. Bus passes will not be issued through verbal communication. Bus passes are NOT issued during the first and last two weeks of school. Bus passes can be picked up in the main office.
Class Fees
Some classes have fees that participating students are required to pay to offset the cost of consumables. These are listed below and are expected to be paid within the first week of class.
8th Grade Fees
- Music Polo Shirt – $15
- Orchestra – $30
- Boys/Girls Chorus – $25
- Wave Leadership – $20
- Wave Trimester Class – $20
- Art – $25
- Integrated Projects – $40
- Woods – $40
- Wood Shop 2 – $40
- Computer Science 1 – $35
- Computer Science 2 – $35
- Computer Science 3 – $35
7th Grade Fees
- Music Polo Shirt – $15
- Concert Band – $35
- Orchestra – $30
- Boys Chorus – $25
- Girls Chorus – $30
- Wave Trimester Class – $20
- Art – $25
- Integrated Projects – $40
- Woods – $40
- Wood Shop 2 – $40
- Computer Science 1 – $35
- Computer Science 2 – $35
- Computer Science 3 – $35
6th Grade Fees
- Music Polo Shirt (Band, Orchestra, Chorus) – $15
- Boys Chorus – $25
- Intro to Woods – $40
Scholarships based upon financial need are available to students to help with school-related fees. If a student needs assistance with scholarships, please contact your student’s counselor or the Bookkeeper.
Closed Campus and Visitors
For security reasons, PLMS is a closed campus. Students must remain on campus during the entire school day. Visitors are NOT allowed without permission from the admin.
- All visitors, guest speakers and volunteers to PLMS are expected to sign in at the office. They will be asked to provide ID, provide a reason for visiting the school as well as wear a visitor sticker.
- Classroom visitations by parents/community members must be pre-arranged with the Principal and/or with the teacher(s).
- Students from other schools are not eligible to visit PLMS during school hours and must setup an appointment with teachers for after school visits.
Counselors at Pine Lake Middle School are:
- Kristen Brittain (Last Name A-L)
- (Last Name M-Z)
Counselors at Pine Lake Middle School are committed to helping students maximize all the benefits of a middle school experience. To this end, counselors provide an array of support services and guidance for students and their families. Frequently, counselors serve as a communication link for students, parents, teachers and administrators on a wide variety of issues, including:
- Consulting with individual students and parents to support academic achievement and personal well-being.
- Working with administrators and classroom teachers to develop strategies for struggling students.
- Assisting 8th grade students in making a successful transition to high school and helping 5th grade students transition to PLMS.
- Providing an opportunity for students to talk through their concerns and helping resolve issues with teachers, peers and family members.
- Supporting students and their families during times of crisis.
- Providing guidance lessons around academic, social, and career-related content.
Discipline Guidelines/Protocol/Expectations
The PLMS community expectations for student behavior strives for excellence and respect at all times. Providing students with opportunities to learn responsible behavior builds a healthy educational environment and fosters school-wide respect.
School staff and administrators intervene with students who fail to follow school and classroom rules using a system of progressive discipline.
- Students receive Minor Infractions for behavior that disrupts the classroom and learning environment. Examples include but are not limited to: violation of classroom procedures, off-task behavior, being unprepared for class, chewing gum, talking out, not suiting for PE and violating our dress code. Three Minors equal one Major.
- Students receive Major Infractions for behavior that significantly disrupts the learning environment, impacts the safety and security of PLMS, or shows disrespect toward self, others or our school. Three Majors warrant a day of suspension.
- Students may receive Suspensions (either in-house or at home) for behavior that is illegal, dangerous or demonstrates excessive disrespect toward self, others or our school.
Examples include but are not limited to: forgery, arson, bullying, possession of or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, possession of weapons, insubordination, fighting, and repeated violations of school rules.
A student's participation in school-related activities may be limited because of disciplinary action. This will be determined by the student’s teachers and administration.
Immediate Action Required for Serious Infractions or Dangerous Behavior
In the case of serious situations, an administrator will be involved immediately. Parents/guardians will be notified as soon as possible so that they may also be involved throughout the discipline process. An administrator will consider each case individually within the parameters of District Regulation. The student will be removed from class or school for the first offense of a serious infraction.
Emergency Procedures
Students at Pine Lake Middle School practice and prepare for unexpected emergency events throughout the school year.
It is important that all students remain calm and quiet and follow the direction of the staff during any emergency. When an alarm sounds, students and staff members should proceed to their assigned location on the athletic fields.
During an emergency, please help us keep the phone lines open by not calling the school office. Any emergency information will be communicated to the PLMS community via the Weekly Bulletin, as soon as possible.
Expectations for Student Dress
Establishing clear expectations for dress facilitates the process of education through reasonable guidelines. Our goals are modesty, neatness and cleanliness of attire (including clothes, accessories and cosmetics) to protect the health and safety of students.
The Student and parent/guardian may determine the student’s personal dress and grooming standards, provided that the student’s dress and grooming do not lead school officials to reasonably believe that such dress or grooming will:
- Disrupt, interfere with disturb, or distract from school activities.
- Create a health or other hazard to the student’s safety or to the safety of others.
- Promote by printed word or symbol the use of illegal substance or other prohibited activities which may include but not be limited to intimidation, harassment, sexual innuendo, vulgarity, and obscenities.
If a student’s dress or grooming is objectionable under these provisions, the principal or designee will ask the student to make appropriate corrections. If the student refuses, the student is subject to disciplinary actions.
Grading Systems
Students and parents should use Family Access and Canvas as a tool to monitor grade and attendance information. PLMS uses the following letter grades and numerical equivalents:
A | 4.0 | 93.0% – 100% | C | 2.0 | 73.0% – 76.9% | |
A- | 3.7 | 90.0% – 92.9% | C- | 1.7 | 70.0% – 72.9% | |
B+ | 3.3 | 87.0% – 89.9% | D+ | 1.3 | 67.0% – 69.9% | |
B | 3.0 | 83.0% – 86.9% | D | 1.0 | 60.0% – 66.9% | |
B- | 2.7 | 80.0% – 82.9% | F | 0.0 | 0.0% – 59.9% | |
C+ | 2.3 | 77.0% – 79.9% |
Health Information
Our school nurse, Erin Hayes, is available to discuss health concerns. If you need to talk with her, please contact her at 425-837-5708 or email
The State of Washington requires all students to be immunized before attending school. A personal, medical or religious exemption requires the signature of a parent/guardian and student’s physician. In the event of an outbreak of a vaccine-preventable disease for which a student is exempted, they may be excluded from school by order of the local health department for the duration of the outbreak. Contact the school nurse if you are requesting a Certificate of Exemption form.
For middle school students, the immunization requirements are:
- Polio: four doses
- DTaP (Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis): five doses
- Tdap: one dose received before entering 7th grade
- MMR (Measles/Mumps/Rubella): two doses
- Hepatitis B: three doses
- Chickenpox (Varicella): two doses or healthcare provider verified disease history
- An “Authorization for Administration of Medication at Elementary and Middle School” form must be signed by a parent/guardian and a licensed health professional for both prescription and over-the-counter medications.
- Students may not carry medications at school. Exceptions are made for EpiPens, inhalers and insulin.
- All medication must be delivered to the school by an adult, in the original container with the pharmacy label stating student’s name, name of medication, dosage, mode of administration and name of physician.
Emergency Information
- A “Confidential Emergency Health Information” form must be on file in the health room for every student. It is critical that parents/guardians notify the school of any changes in contact information. This is especially important in case of an emergency or illness.
- Life Threatening Health Plans: If a student has a life-threatening health condition (severe bee sting allergy, severe food allergy, use of EpiPen, severe asthma, diabetes, severe seizures, etc.), Washington State Law SHB 2834 requires that a medication or treatment order and a nursing plan be in place before a student’s first day of each school year. The health care plan, along with any necessary medications and doctors’ orders, must be delivered to the school office two weeks prior to the first day of school in order to process this important information. If this applies to your student, please contact the school nurse immediately at 425-837-5708 or email
Keep your locker and contents safe by keeping the combination private. Students are not permitted to share lockers with friends or to change lockers. You will be responsible for any locker damage and be held accountable for any contraband found in your locker.
If you have a problem with your locker, report to class, get a pass from your teacher, and go to the main office; a secretary, custodian or administrator will help you. Each student assigned a locker agrees to follow the above locker procedures.
Lunchroom Information
Students enter their district lunch number or use their student ID number each time they go through the lunch line to make a purchase. Visit to make credit or debit deposits in your student’s lunch account and to view account balances and recent purchases. Cash or checks payable to “ISD Food Service” may be deposited in student lunch accounts in the cafeteria each day before 10:00 a.m. for use that day. School lunch menus can be found on the district website.
Students who do not have sufficient money in their lunch accounts may charge a complete school lunch. This does not include a la carte items such as pizza, chips, drinks, etc.
Prices for the upcoming year will be posted on the food service website by mid-August.
Respectful behavior in the lunchroom is expected at all times. This includes appropriate language, waiting your turn in line, using good manners, and sitting while you eat. Saving places in the lunch line is not fair to other students. All PLMS expectations apply in the lunchroom.
During lunch, students may be in the cafeteria, commons, patio, gym or field. No food or drink (other than water) should be taken to the gym or field. Classroom Hallways are closed to students during lunchtime.
PE – Uniforms and Lockers
- PE uniforms are expected for all PE students. The uniform includes a gray PLMS T-shirt or a plain gray T-shirt (the student’s name will be written on the T-shirt), plain blue shorts, athletic shoes and athletic socks. You are welcome to wear tights under the shorts if needed.
- You may purchase a PLMS t-shirt and/or shorts at the Bookkeeper’s office or provide your own following the above guidelines. Each Friday, students are encouraged to take their PE clothes home and wash them.
- PE lockers are available in the locker rooms. Please observe the same guidelines for PE lockers as are given for hallway lockers. Students should keep all belongings locked in their PE lockers at all times.
- No aerosol deodorants, spray perfumes, electric hair curlers or straighteners are allowed in the locker rooms. No cell phones or personal devices may be brought into the locker rooms.
PLMS Expectations
- Please review the Issaquah School District - Middle School Handbook Information via the handbook homepage for more information about student conduct.
- Students may not possess or furnish another student with a weapon or a facsimile of a weapon (such as a firearm, knife, fireworks, handcuffs, pepper spray, mace spray, etc.) at school or at a school activity on or off school grounds.
- Students selling, in possession of, or under the influence of any illegal substance will be subject to immediate suspension and referral to the King County Police. PLMS is a drug-free zone.
- Harassment (verbal, physical or cyber), bullying, intimidation or abuse will not be tolerated. Such behavior may result in suspension or expulsion. All students should immediately report incidences of this behavior to a staff member.
- No form of tobacco is allowed anywhere on campus. Use of Juul devices or vapes is prohibited. A student in possession of or using any form of tobacco is subject to immediate suspension. Matches and/or lighters are not allowed on campus and will be confiscated.
- Vandalism or destruction of any school property is not tolerated (such as writing on desks or restroom walls, carving into tables, etc.). Payment or restitution and disciplinary measures will be the consequence of such actions.
- With completion of a signed Responsible Use Agreement form, students may access personal technology devices for learning purposes in learning places. Please see the Responsible Use Agreement form for details.
- Items that disturb others may not be brought to school. Such items include but are not limited to: water toys, rubber bands, animals, trading cards, shocking devices, laser pointers, and similar devices.
- Using or displaying any lewd or inappropriate language is prohibited. This includes profanity and obscene gestures.
- Public display of affection among students is not appropriate on school grounds at any time.
- No betting or gambling is permitted on campus. Students may not sell items on campus without administrator permission.
- Fighting or unexpected physical contact warrants serious consequences. All students involved will receive an administrative referral for determination of consequences.
- Stealing or taking another person’s belongings without permission will result in administrative referral for determination of consequences.
- Cheating, copying another’s work and plagiarism are serious offenses and violate our school belief of integrity. This behavior will result in administrative referral for determination of consequences.
Requirements for Promotion
Issaquah School District Regulation 2421P lists the guidelines for promotion to the next grade at the middle school level. PLMS posts to Family Access mid-trimester progress reports and end-of- trimester report cards so that parents can stay informed of student progress. Counselors are available by appointment to meet with parents and/or students to discuss a
“Students in grades six, seven, and eight who receive passing grades in at least eleven of their twelve trimester common core courses will be promoted to the next grade level. Students with more than one common core failure are expected to make up lost credits.”
Counselors will help facilitate this process.
School Information
- Please visit the handbook homepage or the PLMS website for the 2022-2023 bell schedules.
- The Bookkeeper’s office is open before school, at lunch and after school (except on Fridays) to accept payment for classes, field trips, sports fees, etc. All money should go to the Bookkeeper—not to teachers or coaches. In addition to paying online via the pay online portal, you may also pay with cash, a check or a debit/credit card.
- Deliveries/Messages – Items brought to school for students are placed on a designated shelf in the office. It is the students’ responsibility to check these cubbies and pick up items. We cannot guarantee delivery of messages of a non-emergency nature. When possible, please make after-school plans before your student leaves for school in the morning.
- Lunch money is given directly to the cafeteria and should be dropped off before 10:00 a.m. for use that day. Checks payable to “ISD Food Service” should have the student’s name and lunch number written on them. Access to deposit money into your child’s account; you may also view your student’s balance and recent food purchases.
- Students must remain on campus during the school day and attend all classes unless excused by a parent or a staff member. Students must sign out and have a hall pass to be out of class.
- Students are not allowed to remain unsupervised on campus for any reason. Students must be in a supervised activity to remain on campus after the buses leave. Only those students participating in school-related, after-school activities may ride the activity bus home from school.
- Always walk on campus to keep hallways and sidewalks safe. Stay to the right side in stairwells.
- Use the crosswalks and follow the directions of the crossing guards for your safety at both school entrances.
- There is a student telephone in the main office for use at lunch and before and after school.
- Lost and found items are kept on a table in the commons and in the PE offices. Unclaimed items will periodically be donated to charitable organizations. Students will be given notice when the items will be donated. Please label belongings for easy identification and return.
- Bringing sports equipment from home for after-school use must be cleared through the office.
Student Recognition
Pride Award – Go for It!
The Wolverine Pride Award is given by staff members to recognize students for demonstrating our school-wide beliefs of Community, Discovery, Respect, Integrity and Excellence. These students will receive Pride Award pencils and entrance in a weekly drawing.
Student of the Month
All staff members are encouraged to select two students each month who have demonstrated our school-wide beliefs. These students are recognized by the administration and receive a treat from the PTSA.
End-Of-The-Year Awards Assembly
Many students of all grade levels are given awards for excellence in categories such as academics, athletics, fine arts and citizenship.
Honor Society
Each trimester, students who earn a cumulative GPA of 3.7 or higher will receive a certificate recognizing them as Honor Society members.
- Only teacher-approved media and activities may be used on school computers.
- With completion of a signed Responsible Use Agreement form, students may access personal technology devices for learning purposes in learning places. Please see the Responsible Use Agreement form for details.
Textbooks and Laptops
Students will be assigned a laptop and textbooks (as needed by class). Fines are assessed for unexpected wear or damage and charged accordingly. All fines must be paid before yearbooks are issued.