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Course Request Process

Welcome to Pine Lake Middle School!

Please read the specific information for your student’s next year grade level. The information in the tabs below is intended for students enrolled in the district.  If it would be helpful to receive any of the Course Request Process information in another language, please visit the Issaquah School District equity resources page. 

If there are additional questions, we encourage you to reach out to our ISD Family Liaison, Wenli Mithal – ( 普通話) Phone at 425-837-7106 or email at

The course request process allows students to select the level of learning that they feel is most appropriate for their own academic goals. Course request choices in middle school also provide the opportunity for self-actualization, the fulfillment of one’s talents and potentialities, and the chance to expand friendships through interactions with students who have different backgrounds and life experiences. 

For students to access the course request online, they MUST know their student access log in and password. If they have forgotten their login information, they should reset their password and enter their ISD Office 365 email address. If they need additional help, please reach out to Pine Lake’s registrar, Karen Hoetzel.     

Student Access Login ID: 

  • first 4 letters of the student’s last name

  • first 3 letters of the student’s first name

  • student’s High School graduation year

 Example:  John Smith class of 2031 = SmitJoh31