Incoming 8th Graders
- Timeline
- Presentation
- Course Request Process Directions
- Core Course Options
- Health and Physical Education (PE)
- Elective Choices
- High School Credit Classes
- Advanced Leadership (WAVE)
March 4
- Current 7th-grade students will learn about requesting their courses for the 2025–2026 school year during a meeting in their Homeroom class.
March 5
- The Course Request Process opens.
March 6
- Question & Answer during Homeroom.
March 7
- Question & Answer with Counselors during A and B Lunch.
March 10
- The Course Request Process closes at 8:00 a.m.
Course Request Process Directions
Student Course Request Process - Action Items:
- Verify that you are able to login to Student Access ---> if you need your password reset, click on “Forgot your Login/Password?”. Enter your school email address (ex. Check your Office 365 (not Canvas) for the email reset link.
- With your parent/guardian login to Student Access and select your Language Art class and request your elective(s). If requesting trimester electives, you must select a total of 3 alternate courses and rank them in order of your preference.
Core Course Options
Core classes are designed to support and challenge students. Students are required to take a full-year of Language Arts (LA), Social Studies (SS), Math, and Science.
Students will continue on their current Math and Science path. Students may choose Language Arts or Advanced Language Arts.
8th Grade English Language Arts (KL800)
Learning Recommendations: Completion of 7th Grade ELA.
Description: 8th Grade English Language Arts is aligned with the Washington State Standards and includes novels and the Writing Fundamentals curriculum. Students will engage with a diverse array of literature, and extract meaning while reflecting on their own life experience. Students will hone their writing skills, crafting compelling first-person narratives, and strengthen persuasive skills by constructing and defending well-reasoned positions. The course is designed to deepen language arts proficiency and instill an appreciation for literature and effective communication as well as build vocabulary and improve grammar. Through a combination of whole-class instruction and small group workshop experiences, students will sharpen their reading, writing, listening, and thinking skills.
8th Grade Advanced English Language Arts (KL801)
Learning Recommendations: Report Card Grade in 7th English Language Arts: B+. SBA ELA score: Level 4.
Description: Similar to 8th Grade English Language Arts, the Advanced class is also aligned with the Washington State Standards and includes novels and the Writing Fundamentals curriculum. The topics covered are similar to the 8th English Language Arts (see description above) but covered more in depth and students read more complex literature and complete more extensive writing assignments.
- Elective(s) - year-long or 3 trimesters
- Health and Physical Education (PE)
Health and Physical Education (PE)
Students are required to take one trimester of Health and two trimesters of PE each year. *Students enrolled in two 8th grade year-long courses (Spanish, Advanced Leadership, Music) will need to enroll in Independent Health and Physical Education.
Independent Health and Physical Education (KH100)
Description: This course is designed for students enrolled in two electives in 8th grade, Music, Leadership or World Language. The course is taken online asynchronously, outside of school, it teaches all the same content as taught in 8th grade health, and students earn PE credit by completing a fitness log. Students must attend two four-hour FLASH lessons in person, dates and times are shared by the Independent Health Teacher. This is a fee-based course, the fee is $130. Payments will not be collected until after school starts in the fall. If you qualify for free or reduced-price lunch you are eligible for a scholarship. Complete and return the enclosed Scholarship Eligibility Application to your school bookkeeper.
Elective Choices
8th Grade Electives
Taking elective classes allows you to explore new interests and broaden your areas of learning. This can improve the overall quality of your middle school education. School electives prepare you for tomorrow, setting the stage for new interests, college majors, and career paths.
For more information to help choose which elective is best for you, see the Pine Lake Middle School Electives Description.
Elective requests are not guaranteed and are subject to change based on staffing, as well as the number of students requesting each course.
Fine Arts Requirement
Pine Lake Middle School students that have not fulfilled this requirement by 8th grade should request Art.
The arts are an important part of education. Through dance, music, theater, and visual arts, students can express their feelings, explore new ideas, and learn about different cultures. In the Issaquah School District, arts education is taught by specialists and classroom teachers, with support from local organizations and community programs. In middle school, students must take a music or visual arts class. This requirement can be met by joining Band, Choir, Orchestra, or Art.
Elective Paths
I want to take 3 trimester electives
You must select a total of 3 alternate courses and rank them in order of your preference:
- Advanced Speech and Debate
- Art
- Computer Science 2
- Computer Science 3
- Integrated Projects (offered Tri 2)
- Intro to Leadership
- Photography
- Speech and Debate
- Videography
- Woodshop 1 (offered Tri 1)
- Woodshop 2 (offered Tri 3)
- Yearbook
I want to take a 1-year elective
- Band (played in 7th grade)
- Choir
- Orchestra (played in 7th grade)
- Spanish
- WAVE / Advanced Leadership (requires a separate application)
High School Credit Classes
Important - Please Note
Effective 2019-20, high school level credit courses (Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology, Spanish 1) taken in middle school will automatically be added to the student’s transcript. This is in accordance with District Regulation 2410. Unless a student and family request otherwise, a student who has successfully completed high school courses before attending high school will be given high school credit, which will apply toward fulfilling high school graduation requirements, if adequate documentation establishes either of the following:
- The course was taken with high school students, the academic level of the course exceeds the requirements for 7th and 8th grade classes, and the student successfully passed by completing the same course requirements and examinations as the high school students enrolled in the class; or
- The academic level of the course exceeds the requirements for 7th and 8th grade classes and the course would qualify for high school credit, because the course is similar or equivalent to a course offered at a District high school.
Students who have successfully completed high school level courses under the above circumstances will not be required to take an additional competency examination or perform any other additional assignment to receive credit.
For courses taken at District schools, high school credit will be given automatically and will appear on the student’s high school transcript unless the student and family request otherwise. Students and their families will be given an opportunity before the end of the 11th grade to remove such credits entirely from the student’s transcript, or to have the courses transcribed only for credit toward graduation and not included in the student’s high school grade point average calculation. Please note that once these credits have been removed or designated as only for graduation, no further changes will be permitted.
A student who would like credit for courses taken outside of District schools should consult with their counselor to submit appropriate documentation utilizing form 2410F2. Such documentation can be submitted to add the credit at any time before the end of the 11th grade. Requests are generally made during the junior credit evaluation. Please note that once these credits are added to a student’s high school transcript, they cannot be removed and no further changes will be permitted.
Advanced Leadership (WAVE)
Hello Potential WAVE Leader!
Future 8th Graders! You are applying for a unique position at Pine Lake. If you are interested in growing as a person, gaining invaluable leadership skills, serving others, leaving your legacy on this school, and having a blast, this is the perfect opportunity for you.
What is a WAVE Leader?
WAVE Leaders are students who care about others and try to put others before themselves. They choose kindness over being cool and work on their character daily. They will happily work with anyone, are creative, and are committed to getting the job done. WAVE Leaders don’t take themselves too seriously, and they aren’t afraid to take risks and make mistakes (sometimes in front of lots of people!). Some are great with technology; some are into designing posters, and some are willing to speak in front of a crowd. On the other hand, some are quieter and lead from behind the scenes. They are all trustworthy (in class, in the halls, by themselves, on social media, away from school, etc.) and are independent, which means they can stay focused and committed even when a teacher isn’t around. Overall, WAVE Leaders represent Pine Lake’s Core Beliefs of community, respect, excellence, discovery, and integrity both in school and in the Sammamish community.
What do WAVE Leaders do?
Lots of great things! They learn about leadership and use their skills to serve others. They run school-wide charity drives (i.e., food drive, gift drive, etc.), they plan and promote spirit weeks, they produce The Pine Lake Morning Show, and they help run the student store. More than anything, they try to MAKE KINDNESS NORMAL by creating a culture of AWESOMENESS!
In October, WAVE Leaders will attend a three-day leadership camp near Mt. Rainer. The cost is around $250. Need-based scholarships are available. At the camp, leaders will come together as a team and form a year-long plan to make a difference at PLMS. NOTE: This will be on the weekend, and you’ll need to miss sports!
Other things to consider:
WAVE Leaders must have…
- 3.0 Cumulative GPA or higher (This shows your commitment to academics).
- Good conduct record (This shows your commitment to good behavior).
- Good attendance record (This shows your commitment to your education).
NOTE: if any of the above three requirements (GPA, conduct, attendance) have not been met, you can still apply. However, please explain this in your video. (i.e., you missed school due to illness)
Does this describe you?
If so, please consider applying to be a WAVE Leader for the 2024-25 school year!
The Application Process
Submit a video using Flip. The video can be no more than 2.5 minutes. Specific examples of why the information above describes you will be important.
To submit your application using Flip, click on the link or copy and paste into your browser (then log in with your Microsoft account). NOTE: If you are using a phone, you will need to download Flip. If you have tech issues, please see Mr. Ensey or Mr. Berg.
NOTE: You can use a different app to make your video, but it will need to be uploaded to Flip. It can only be 2.5 min long.
Once your video is uploaded to Flip, complete the WAVE Leader Application form (Google Forms). After you submit your application, Mr. Ensey will send you a message on Canvas within 2 days letting you know he has received your video and your application. If you do not receive a message within 2 days, email Mr. Ensey to confirm. DO NOT ASSUME YOUR APPLICATION IS COMPLETE UNTIL YOU GET A RESPONSE FROM MR. ENSEY! YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION (Google Form and uploaded Flip video) MUST BE SUBMITTED BY FRIDAY, MARCH 8. Pro-Tip: DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST SECOND. SOLVE TECH ISSUES EARLY!
How will WAVE Leaders be chosen?
While Mr. Ensey will be your teacher, WAVE Leaders serve the entire PLMS community and are selected by a committee of current teachers, counselors, and administrators, as well as input from your teachers since you’ve been at Pine Lake.
Pine Lake is filled with amazing students who, without a doubt, meet the requirements to be a WAVE Leader. Unfortunately, there are limited spots for this class. The committee will review your application and speak to teachers you have had in the past and present (especially the one you put down as your reference…so choose someone that knows you best).
You will be notified by EMAIL in late May/early June. File this away…again…you won’t find out until late May/early June.